Utilizing Learning Principles – Designed by Training Experts

1. Learning by doing

The most effective way to develop skills is through hands-on experience, learning from our mistakes and successes in real-life situations. Just like learning to drive, theory alone cannot prepare us for unexpected conditions. It is only by taking the driver’s seat and gaining practical experience that we become fully equipped.

2. Continuous Training

A single learning session is insufficient. Similar to athletic training, our brain requires repetition to develop cognitive patterns. By consistently practicing, we enhance our speed and accuracy in processing information and retaining knowledge. Continuous training is crucial for deepening understanding, refining skills, and unlocking our full potential.

3. Positive and short content

Many employees often lack the drive to engage in learning and are prone to resist lengthy and monotonous sessions, thus making it crucial to adopt an approach that focuses on keeping the content concise, relevant, and infused with a positive tone. By doing so, organizations can motivate employees to participate in cybersecurity initiatives, leading to a more proactive approach to safeguarding digital assets and promoting a culture of cyber resilience.

4. Variety of training situations

To be fully ready for any scenario, we need to actively seek out and learn from a diverse range of challenges. This involves exposing ourselves to different contexts and engaging with multiple channels. By doing so, we can develop the skills, adaptability, and multidimensional understanding necessary to respond appropriately and effectively.

5. Immediate feedback

Providing feedback “in the moment” has a greater impact compared to feedback given without contextual relevance to recent learning experiences. Whether succeed or fail, individuals are most receptive to criticism and more inclined to immediately apply that feedback. By offering timely and pertinent feedback, we leverage the momentum of the learning process, enabling them to make meaningful adjustments.

6. Keep optimal failure/success ratio

To maintain motivation, individuals should experience a sense of reward for their achievements and the progress they have made. Simultaneously, they should face an optimal level of challenge that prevents the learning experience from being perceived as “too easy”. Striking this delicate balance ensures that individuals remain engaged, continuously grow their skills, and derive fulfillment from their accomplishments.

“The Future of human learning lies in machine learning”

Machine learning powered platform leverages data to optimize
the learning experience for every employee, every day.

Self improving
Analyze employee statistics to improve performance
Repetition without boredom keeps the learning top of mind
Contextual delivery provides effective performance
brainhover brainhove-six brainhover-five brainhover-one brainhover-four brainhover-three brainhover-four
Varied stimuli is used for creating robust cognitive patterns
Just-in-Time learning makes the learning relevant & memorable
Dynamic intervals
Training intervals are adjusted to where each employee is in the learning curve
instant email

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