
Vulnerability Management as a Service: What is it, and is it right for your company?

By Nitzan Gursky
image March 01, 2023 image 5 MIN READ

Vulnerability management has gained traction and importance in light of multiple high-profile cyber attacks. A staggering 14 ransomware attacks per second occurred in 2022, 20% more than a 2018 prediction, while the Cyber Threat Alliance found that the number of ransomware attacks increased by 365% in 2021, with an average payout of $1.1 million for victims.

Many cite the expansion of the attack surface as the reason why attacks continue to grow. Organizations can reduce the risk of a successful cyber attack by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities and protecting their sensitive information, equipment, and assets. 

Vulnerability management has become a key component in cybersecurity risk and compliance management. Organizations must allocate resources to this discipline to reduce cyber risk and avoid putting their clients and company at risk. 

What is Vulnerability Management as a Service?

Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS) is a cybersecurity service offered to corporate companies and public institutions by third-party providers. It is designed to help organizations identify, evaluate, and mitigate security vulnerabilities in their systems and infrastructure.

VMaaS typically includes the following components: 

VMaaS providers typically offer these services on a subscription basis and can be customized to meet an organization’s specific requirements. VMaaS benefits organizations that need more resources, expertise, or time to manage their vulnerability management programs or simply want to outsource this element of cybersecurity to experts. 

VMaaS providers typically offer ongoing support so that organizations can stay updated with the latest vulnerabilities and best practices in vulnerability management. This allows organizations to focus on their core business operations while ensuring that their systems and infrastructure are secure.

What are the differences between a vulnerability, risk, and threat?

The 4 main vulnerabilities

1. Network vulnerabilities

A computer network cybersecurity vulnerability refers to a weakness in the design, implementation, or configuration of a computer network that can make it more vulnerable to attack. 

2. Operating system vulnerabilities

Operating system vulnerabilities include weaknesses in the design, implementation, or configuration of an operating system that can make it more vulnerable to attack. 

3. Configuration vulnerabilities

Cybersecurity configuration vulnerabilities refer to weaknesses or misconfigurations in the way a system or network is set up that can make it more vulnerable to attack. 

4. Application vulnerabilities

Cybersecurity application vulnerabilities refer to weaknesses in the design, implementation, or configuration of software applications that can make them more vulnerable to attack. 


What are vulnerability management tools?

There is an extensive range of cybersecurity vulnerability management tools on the market. Common vulnerability management tools include:

5 reasons to consider Vulnerability Management as a Service

Vulnerability management should be high on the list of any CISO or security leader within an organization. Whether or not you outsource it as a service may depend on several factors.

These are the five top reasons why your company should consider a VMaaS provider:

1. Automation

VMaaS providers typically use automated tools and processes to scan for vulnerabilities regularly, which can help identify and address potential security issues more quickly and efficiently.

2. Scalability

Typically, with VMasS, it is possible to scale the services to meet the requirements of organizations of all sizes, making it a cost-effective option for businesses of any size.

3. Expertise

You will benefit from a team of security experts who can assist with interpreting scan results and recommending remediation steps, benefiting organizations that do not have in-house security expertise.

4. Compliance

VMaaS can help organizations meet compliance requirements by identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring they are addressed promptly.

5. Cost-effective

It eliminates the requirement for expensive hardware and software and the cost of hiring and training staff to manage it.

Limitations of Using Vulnerability Management Services 

Despite the level of vulnerability management services deployed by an external company, more is needed to keep a company secure from vulnerabilities. Choosing a best-of-breed partner to fortify your own company’s cybersecurity can make a big difference when it comes to vulnerability management.

CybeReady provides a platform that enables organizations to evaluate and validate their cybersecurity defenses against simulated cyber attacks in a safe and controlled environment. The platform has features such as automated cyber attack simulations, detailed reporting, analytics, and a library of attack scenarios.
