
CybeReady Named a Representative Provider in 2022 Gartner® Innovation Insight Report

By Yarom Talmi
image Dezember 21, 2022 image 4 MIN READ

CybeReady, provider of the world’s fastest security awareness solution, is honored to be named as a Representative Provider in the 2022 Innovation Insight on Security Behavior and Culture Program Capabilities Report by Gartner. Leveraging a fully-managed solution, CybeReady has helped global enterprises reduce their risk by changing employee behavior toward cyber threats since 2015.

Cyberattacks are a constant threat to every organization today. Protecting against cyberattacks puts significant pressure on employees to do their part in protecting themselves, the organization, and the organization’s assets, including customer data. One proven way to reduce the risk of cyberattacks is through an effective cyber security awareness training program.

Security awareness computer-based training services offer a stable set of core capabilities, yet risky employee behavior persists… As a result, the current (SACBT) market fails to fully deliver on the promise of tangible, scaled, and sustained employee behavior change to reduce cyber risk,” said Gartner 1.

“New capabilities are emerging to meet the demand for improved human risk management. These security behavior and culture programs (SBCP) include capabilities that focus on risk reduction via tangible employee behavior management. Innovative solutions build their services based on behavioral science principles, and use data analytics and automation to reduce risk exposure via measurable cultural change.”

According to Gartner’s key findings:



Gartner also points out that, “Awareness programs are poorly staffed with less than 1 FTE in almost 80% of organizations”. (Gartner, November 2022 – Report ID G00776704).

CybeReady provides a leading security behavior and culture program with capabilities that include:

  1. Data-integration
  2. Built-in Behavioral Science expertise
  3. Autonomous training
  4. Personalized engagements that are adaptive per employee role, location, performance
  5. Fully-managed solution: No IT resource or professional services needed



CybeReady bridges the gap between a leader’s ambition for a measurable change and the existing state with “outcome unknown.” The solution offers a fully-managed security training platform that already includes all the expertise needed to implement it effectively out-of-the-box. While legacy solutions provide content and tools that require an FTE to plan and operate the solution, CybeReady’s solution puts its tools to work: the program deploys the content and optimizes it continuously based on data from employee engagements with the training content.

The impact on culture and behavioral change is achieved via a proprietary methodology that creates a Ripple Effect: aggregation of small actions, engagements and data points that add up to yield a significant, measurable impact in organizational resilience.

“CybeReady is the only solution that can bridge the gap between a leader’s ambition and reality by providing a guaranteed measurable change in employee behavior and culture without the need for an FTE resource,” said Eitan Fogel, CybeReady’s CEO. “CybeReady’s capabilities have already been deployed and proven to reduce risk in hundreds of global enterprises, including leading financial institutes who chose to replace legacy solution with CybeReady’s fully-managed platform”.


About CybeReady

CybeReady offers the world’s fastest security training platform, that evolves your organization from security awareness to cyber readiness. Die Lösung von CybeReady bindet selbstständig mehr Mitarbeiter ein, effektiver, häufiger und einfacher. Infused with training expertise and powered by machine learning, CybeReady’s adaptive, easy-to-digest security training content program guarantees to reduce your high-risk employee group by 80%. CybeReady’s fully-managed solution has been deployed by hundreds of enterprises worldwide, including the City & County of San Francisco, SodaStream, ING, StitchFix, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Avid Technology, and others, CybeReady is fully-managed, making it the security awareness training solution with the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) available today. Founded in 2015, CybeReady is headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, with offices in the Silicon Valley. For more information, please visit
