
Hi-5 With A Security Expert

Hen Ron, SodaStream

By Amit Matat
image März 15, 2021 image 2 MIN READ

Hi-5 brings together InfoSec leaders for peer-to-peer sharing via five short questions and insights.

Hen Ron has been working in the cybersecurity space for the last 10 years. He held IT infrastructure and IT management roles in leading companies such as Delta Galil Industries and Mellanox Technologies. A year and a half ago, he joined SodaStream International as their Global Infrastructure Manager & CISO.

What is the biggest challenge security leaders face today and how are you looking to tackle it?

The 180-degree change in the ratio of employees that are working from home vs. working from the office due to covid-19. It causes us to be more focused on endpoint solutions and less on perimeter solutions.

In your view, how important are security awareness programs, and what’s a CISO’s main role in making them effective?

I think that the main reason for cybersecurity incidents is the user’s mistakes. That’s why security awareness can reduce the attack surface significantly.

What’s the one thing you’ll never tell an employee who’s made a security error, and how would you suggest handling the situation instead?

I would never tell an employee that making a security error can’t happen to me as well. It’s important to understand whether the error was caused by lack of knowledge, overconfidence, or another reason.

When it comes to recruitment – what approach do you take to attract and keep the best talent, and what would be your best tip for a new hire?

I am always looking for the potential of the person and his “hunger” to learn new things. My tip is to check everything from a fresh point of view and to do a hands-on discovery.

Finally (just for fun): if you could have dinner with any renowned figure (dead or alive), who would you choose and why?

I think that I will choose Steve Jobs since I want to understand why he hadn’t called me and told me to buy apple stock. 🙂


SodaStream International Ltd. is a manufacturing company best known as the maker of the consumer home carbonation product of the same name. The SodaStream product is distributed in 80,000 individual retail stores across 45 countries.

SodaStream International Ltd


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