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Die neuesten und besten Erkenntnisse, Leitfäden und Best Practices zur Perfektionierung Ihrer Schulung zum Sicherheitsbewusstsein Ihrer Mitarbeiter
image Juli 31, 2023 image < 1
Sommerferien! Jetzt heißt es: In den Urlaub oder zum See fahren, die Sonne genießen und einfach mal abschalten. Prinzipiell ja[...]
image Juli 21, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
It's safe to say that all organizations in any industry can be the target of a cyberattack. These attacks can[...]
image Juli 13, 2023 image 5 MIN READ
Picture this: A manufacturing company renowned for its innovative products and impeccable reputation falls victim to a sophisticated cyberattack. Operations[...]
image Juli 05, 2023 image 5 MIN READ
The consequences of cyberattacks are damaging to businesses and individuals and have far-reaching implications for society as a whole. Global[...]
image Juni 28, 2023 image 4 MIN READ
Many people have safeguards against burglars when they go on vacation—a friend comes to pick up the mail, or a[...]
image Juni 15, 2023 image 4 MIN READ
Wir sind dabei, in ein Thema einzutauchen, das ebenso faszinierend wie verblüffend ist: die aufkeimende Rolle der generativen KI in[...]
image Juni 12, 2023 image 5 MIN READ
As students and faculty alike take off for their summer vacations and enjoy a respite from rigorous academics, there's another[...]
image Juni 05, 2023 image 4 MIN READ
In der digitalen Welt, in der Technologie Schwert und Schutz zugleich ist, tobt täglich ein unsichtbarer Krieg: das Reich der[...]
image Mai 28, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Did you know that a simple data breach could cost your business millions? The last two years have been marred[...]
image Mai 26, 2023 image 5 MIN READ
Während die Lehrer das Schuljahr ausklingen lassen und die Schüler sich sehnsüchtig auf die Sommerferien vorbereiten, hoffen viele opportunistische Angreifer[...]
image Mai 22, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Speculation about the dangers of cyber warfare has been going on since the dawn of the Information Age. Russia's invasion[...]
image Mai 11, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
We’re all guilty of only engaging with employees when we need something. It could be that we want them to[...]
image Mai 08, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Da wir für unsere täglichen Abläufe immer stärker auf Daten angewiesen sind, generieren Unternehmen täglich immer mehr Daten. Der Verlust[...]
image Mai 04, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Die weltweite Pandemie bot Cyberkriminellen eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, Cyberangriffe zu starten. Da Millionen von Arbeitnehmern gezwungen waren, von zu Hause[...]
image Mai 01, 2023 image 8 MIN READ
Payment fraud affects many industries, but finance, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing are particularly vulnerable. It's vital for info/cybersecurity team leads/ managers,[...]
image April 30, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Spurred on by necessity and convenience, digital transactions make up an ever-increasing share of our day-to-day business. We’re all managing[...]
image April 23, 2023 image 5 MIN READ
Organizations across the financial and eCommerce industries, among many others, are responsible for millions of daily customer transactions. These transactions[...]
image April 19, 2023 image 9 MIN READ
Tausende Finanzinstitute in ganz Europa nehmen den Wandel an und stellen auf die Digitalisierung um. Während diese Änderung für die[...]
image April 19, 2023 image 9 MIN READ
Credit card fraud has been an issue that has plagued the financial sector for decades. It is a growing problem[...]
image April 02, 2023 image 4 MIN READ
Data security practices are essential for all types of work environments. Simply put, data security is the process of safeguarding[...]
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Wir fühlen uns geehrt, im 2022 Innovation Insight on Security Behavior and Culture Program Capabilities Report von Gartner als repräsentativer Anbieter genannt zu werden.