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Die neuesten und besten Erkenntnisse, Leitfäden und Best Practices zur Perfektionierung Ihrer Schulung zum Sicherheitsbewusstsein Ihrer Mitarbeiter
image März 28, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
With cyberattacks on websites and web apps proliferating like never before, savvy developers and website admins employ a Content Security[...]
image März 23, 2023 image 7 MIN READ
Websites and web apps have become prime targets for hackers. Fortunately, the Content Security Policy (CSP) is an easily deployable[...]
image März 13, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Francis Bacon schrieb schon vor über 400 Jahren, dass "Wissen Macht ist". Auch in der komplexen Welt der Cybersecurity gilt:[...]
image März 12, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Im Jahr 2022 schätzten Experten das 85 % der Datenschutzverletzungen beinhaltete ein menschliches Element. Dazu gehört die Offenlegung vertraulicher Daten,[...]
image März 08, 2023 image 3 MIN READ
No one is an island. We are all impacted by external influences, and this has an overwhelming impact on what[...]
image März 05, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
One of the most exciting annual events of the information security and cybersecurity industries is the RSA Conference. Among the[...]
image März 01, 2023 image 5 MIN READ
Das Schwachstellenmanagement hat angesichts mehrerer aufsehenerregender Cyberangriffe an Bedeutung gewonnen. Eine schwindelerregende 14 Ransomware-Angriffe pro Sekunde im Jahr 2022 auftreten,[...]
image Februar 26, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Since the Morris worm propagated on the Internet in 1988 and exploited weaknesses in email and network services, vulnerabilities have[...]
image Februar 15, 2023 image 5 MIN READ
Often, vulnerability management gets compared to a game of whack-a-mole, where you deal with one vulnerability and two more pop[...]
image Februar 05, 2023 image 8 MIN READ
In nearly all organizations, a significant cyber attack isn’t a question of “if” - it’s a question of “when.” 62%[...]
image Januar 29, 2023 image 7 MIN READ
Is your information on the dark web? Chances are it’s likely one of the 24.6 billion username and password sets[...]
image Januar 29, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
Since 2020 and the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the FBI has reported a300% increase in cybercrime. Cybersecurity is a[...]
image Januar 16, 2023 image 4 MIN READ
Ceri J., Security Awareness Manager at NatWest, a UK bank with 74,000 employees, felt she needed to do more to[...]
image Januar 08, 2023 image 3 MIN READ
The Golden City is known for its progressive approach and innovative technology. Michael Makstman, CISO for the City & County[...]
image Januar 02, 2023 image 6 MIN READ
"The best defense is a good offense." This quote, often attributed to legendary NFL football coach Vince Lombardi, is relevant[...]
image Dezember 21, 2022 image 4 MIN READ
CybeReady, provider of the world’s fastest security awareness solution, is honored to be named as a Representative Provider in the[...]
image Dezember 14, 2022 image 15 MIN READ
Im Jahr 2021 erlebte die Welt eines der schlimmsten Jahre in Bezug auf Cyberangriffe, denn Angriffe stiegen und mehrere Vorfälle[...]
image Dezember 12, 2022 image 6 MIN READ
Every 22 seconds, another person’s identity is stolen. Its rate security experts anticipate rising beyond 2022. As work and workloads[...]
image Dezember 12, 2022 image 10 MIN READ
Ignorantia juris non excusat - ignorance of the law excuses not. This ancient legal concept is more true today than[...]
image Dezember 11, 2022 image 6 MIN READ
What is common to big banks, pharmaceuticals, heavy industry, and the smallest online shop? They all must be compliant. The[...]
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Wir fühlen uns geehrt, im 2022 Innovation Insight on Security Behavior and Culture Program Capabilities Report von Gartner als repräsentativer Anbieter genannt zu werden.